MAC paint Pot in Constructivist ($22)
The long-running Unsung Heroes series here on makeup and beauty blog features some of my all-time favorite permanent collection products.

When you’re on your second pot of MAC Constructivist — wait, I think this might be my third? — it’s probably time to put flowers in its hair, stick it on a float, and throw a parade for it (don’t forget the brass band). Or, you could give it the Unsung Heroes treatment.

Dude, what a snazzy little paint Pot! This pearlescent reddish brown cream eyeshadow is a $22 member of the MAC permanent line, and we’ve been hanging out even more than usual lately.


If you love brown eyeshadows as much as I do (and I know my girls are out there; I can’t be the only one!), Constructivist is absolutely must-have, especially if you’re also a MAC fan and a lover of neutral shadows.

Flexibility is Constructivist’s super power. You can wear it by itself (which I do all the time), or use it as a base under other powder eyeshadows, and hello! — it looks lovely with so many different shades, but I’ll talk about that more in a second.

MAC paint Pot in Constructivist ($22)

Highly recommended for hop-to-it mornings when you can’t dilly-dally. On days like that I’ll grab Constructivist and set my timer for 20 minutes (or sometimes 15…), and I know I’ll be able to finish an eye look with it because Constructivist is one of those products with a lot of leeway to improvise.


ឆ្មានិងគ្រឿងតុបតែងមុខរបស់ឆ្មា ??

42 ដុល្លារ


Because it’s creamy like soft serve, edges are easy to erase, and it lasts so long on its own that I can skip primer and just apply it on mah bare lids.

Sometimes I’ll pat it on with a MAC 239 brush, then buff out the edges with a MAC 217, repeating that process a few times. then I’ll do a little Teddy, Costa Riche or Prunella eyeliner on my water lines, add some mascara, finish the rest of my face, and I’m done.

And when I have a little more time and somewhere special to go, I might add some black winged liner along my upper lash lines, because I think that elevates the whole ensemble.

Constructivist rocks those quickie eye looks! It’s also really beautiful when worn as a base for classic MAC shades like Sable and Mulch (particularly those two), but basically anything brown, reddish brown, golden brown, purply brown or bronze should work well with it too.

I use it all the time with the Nordstrom Naturals 15-pan palette. that one has several shades that look great on top of Constructivist. One combo I like to do involves Saddle in the crease, Mulch on my lids and a bit of beauty marked in the outer corner.

The MAC warm Neutral palette is another one. even the Brooks Shields Gravitas palette… remember that one?

MAC Constructivist swatched on my NC 42 skin


The thing about the paint Pots is that they tend to dry out, but if you screw the cap on tightly, and store the paint Pot upside down, it helps. It also makes it so you can see the name of the color right there on the bottom label.



The MAC Unsung Heroes series (a subset of my regular Unsung makeup Heroes series) features some of my all-time favorite products from MAC’s permanent collection

វីរបុរសមិនច្បាស់: Mac Flear Power Power Blush
MAC Unsung Heroes: Swiss chocolate Eyeshadow
វីរបុរសមិនច្បាស់របស់ Mac: Costa Rice Kooke Koohl
វីរបុរសមិនច្បាស់: មីនខនិជធម្មជាតិធម្មជាតិ
MAC Unsung Heroes: MAC extra dimension Eye shadow in Havana
MAC Unsung Heroes: Chicory Lip Pencil
MAC Unsung Heroes: Smoked Almond Lipstick
MAC Unsung Heroes: half ‘n half Lipstick
MAC Unsung Heroes: Chili Lipstick
MAC Unsung Heroes: Coffee Eye Pencil
MAC Unsung Heroes: Mineralize Skinfinish in global Glow
MAC Unsung Heroes: MAC extra dimension Eye shadow in Havana
MAC Unsung Heroes: retro Matte liquid Lipcolour in Burnt Spice
MAC Unsung Heroes: Mineralize Foundation/Loose
MAC Unsung Heroes: MAC giddy Lustre Lipstick
MAC Unsung Heroes: MAC studio fix fluid Foundation
MAC Unsung Heroes: Amorous Alloy Eyeshadow
MAC Unsung Heroes: texture Eyeshadow
MAC Unsung Heroes: Prep + Prime 24-Hour extend Eye Base
MAC Unsung Heroes: Swiss chocolate Eyeshadow
MAC Unsung Heroes: Saddle Eyeshadow
Unsung Heroes: MAC In extra dimension waterproof Mascara
MAC Unsung Heroes: Minted Eye Kohl
MAC Unsung Heroes: Take the Plunge Technakohl Liner
MAC Unsung Heroes: Cork Eye Shadow
MAC Unsung Heroes: 221 mini Tapered Blending Brush
MAC Unsung Heroes: Matchmaster shade intelligence Compact
វីរបុរសមិនច្បាស់របស់ Mac: Mac អូអូអូអូអូរបស់ខ្ញុំស្រមោលភ្នែករបស់ខ្ញុំ
វីរបុរសមិនច្បាស់: ពណ៌ដែលមានពណ៌ទឹកស្អាតគាំទ្រក្នុងលីលីឡូស
វីរបុរសមិនច្បាស់ម៉ាកីនៈស្រមោលភ្នែក Satin Taupe
វីរបុរសមិនច្បាស់ម៉ាក: បបូរមាត់តែខ្ពស់
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វីរបុរសមិនច្បាស់: Mac Flear Power Power Blush
វីរបុរសមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ: សក្តានុពលរបស់ហ្វ្លុនលីន
វីរបុរសមិនច្បាស់របស់ Mac: ក្រុមហ៊ុនផលិតថ្នាំលាបរបស់អ្នកផលិត
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វីរបុរសមិនច្បាស់ម៉ាក: ការតស៊ូព្យាយាមបបូរមាត់ម៉ាក់
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វីរបុរសមិនច្បាស់ម៉ាកីរៈស្រមោលភ្នែក Brun
វីរបុរសមិនច្បាស់របស់ Mac: ខ្មៅដៃបបូរមាត់វែង
វីរបុរសមិនច្បាស់: ម៉ាក់ក្តៅព្រលឹងព្រលឹងអណ្តូងរ៉ែ
វីរបុរសមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ: ឆ្លុះបញ្ចាំងពីពន្លឺមាសបុរាណ
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វីរបុរសមិនច្បាស់របស់ Mac: BuzzGlass ដ៏ស្រស់ស្អាត
វីរបុរសមិនច្បាស់របស់ Mac: 33 រោមភ្នែក
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វីរបុរសមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ: ភាពសុខដុមរមនា
វីរបុរសមិនច្បាស់: មិនចេះរីងស្ងួតម្សៅដែលបានចុច
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វីរបុរសមិនច្បាស់របស់ Mac: ថ្នាំលាប Bussoom
វីរបុរសមិនច្បាស់របស់ Mac: ថ្នាំលាបធម្មជាតិ sublime
វីរបុរសមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ: មុខនិងដងខ្លួននៃរាងកាយ
វីរបុរសមិនច្បាស់របស់ Mac: Prunella ភ្នែក Kohl
វីរបុរសមិនច្បាស់របស់លោកម៉ាក់: ដុសខាត់ស្រមោលផ្កាយ 239
វីរបុរសមិនច្បាស់របស់ Mac: Greensmoke Eyeshadow
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វីរបុរសមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ: សក្តានុពលរបស់ថ្នាំលាប Stubenesque
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វីរបុរសមិនច្បាស់: ម្សៅ Mac Iriesiescent / រលុងនៅក្នុងសំរិទ្ធមាស
វីរបុរសមិនច្បាស់របស់ Mac: C-Thru Liplass
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វីរបុរសមិនច្បាស់របស់ Mac: Viva Gress Vi Liplass
វីរបុរសមិនច្បាស់: ខ្យល់អាកាសក្រអឺតក្រទម
វីរបុរសមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ: ការថែទាំលាយប្រេងសំខាន់ៗក្រូចថ្លុងក្រូចថ្មី + chamomile
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វីរបុរសមិនច្បាស់របស់ Mac: កញ្ចក់ខាងស្តាំរូបភាពខាងស្តាំ
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វីរបុរសមិនច្បាស់: ការពេញចិត្តដ៏ផ្អែមល្ហែម
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